Spurger, Tx Pt 1.
I knew Spurger was our home when my Husbands go-to song switched to "Cowboy" by Kid Rock from "Lion" by Elevation Worship.
Unbeknownst to me, he had been Jammin’ it every time he pulled out of our dirt road. I found out quickly when Grace sang every word of that song while I was in the car with them. Even the inappropriate ones.
Luke started wearing his cowboy boots again, although, those didn't last long. They were ripped and worn thin a couple of weeks later.
Grace started telling me, “Momma, I just hate shoes! Don’t worry, I am grounding!”
My heart was in this town the second time I walked into the local feed store, Motts Hardware.
Canning supplies, homegrown preserves, Montana jewelry, and Free East Texas coffee to enjoy while you shop.
The man who is always first to help us gave me a home remedy for Grace's asthma, that I knew was straight outta “The Foxfire book.”
When I mentioned that was literally my favorite book, his eyes lit up, and told me all about the elderberries he and his wife grow in their backyard.
Wild Bamboo, Pine, and Muscadine grapes alongside a dirt road that pulls into our property.
A creek filled with “Petrified-ed wood” as Grace calls it, Arrowheads, Agates, old cobalt blue and green medicine bottles, and gems of all sorts.
The Neches River to the North, filled with Catfish as big as your arm.
Blackberries, blueberries, huckleberries, elderberries, maypops, and beautyberries as far as the eye can see on our property.
A cowboy’s dream come true, and a wildcrafters reality.
A Rockhounds’ paradise. A free place in the wild to go Junkin’ every day of the week.
“Now this is the place,” we thought.
John and I had really been trying to work on NOT making impulse decisions with major life choices.
I think the Good Lord knew that.
I believe he was teaching us patience through the whole process with all of the contracts falling through.
“He works in the waiting” mentality.
… And well… as soon as we made our down payment to open escrow, we got a call from the seller's lawyer informing us that she had an open lawsuit with our soon-to-be neighbors, (Who are Amazing by the way!) and we wouldn’t be able to close until that was settled.
Yup, you could say I spent my evening crying, calling my mother-in-law (who is a real estate agent in Arizona), and telling my husband that “we were never gonna find the right place!”
And of course, knowing if we backed out, we were just going to lose all that money we had just worked our little tails off for and the land that we fell so much in love with… or get into a long-drawn-out lawsuit ourselves with the seller.
Thankfully, I have a God-Fearing Husband who prayed with me several times throughout that process to “Lead us where YOU want us to be Lord and close the door if it is not your will.”
It was God's will that we were able to close on the house on December 6, 2022.
When we rolled our Uhaul in, not only was there a lot of mess to clean, (It made Junkyard Johns scraps look like a pile of gold) there was an abandoned chihuahua, 10 Feral a$$ chickens, and…
A male pig…
Remember when I told yall, the house came with Two Pigs???!!!
Well, those pigs are FEMALE…
This means we had TWO PREGNANT SOWS on our hands due any day, because of the surprise addition to our farm!
Which lead to an “Oh $hit!!” falling out of my mouth like a loose tooth and Jesus wasn't there to heal it.
